Student Voices

Providing Students Globally With Platforms For Activism

Redefine Z is a 501(c)(3) student-led social justice nonprofit organization whose main objective is to provide a platform for peaceful activism across the globe.



Youth-Run Activism.

Founded in the California Bay Area, Redefine Z is a 501(c)(3) student-led social justice nonprofit organization. Redefine Z's goal is to inspire, enable, and empower young people to speak up about current social issues.

Redefine Z believes that change is created by action. We encourage all forms of activism such as physical protesting and marching, art or creative mediums, and social media advocacy. As they are the future generation, young people should have the right to fight for a safe and equal future.







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Connecting Youth Worldwide

Our Reach Is Global

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See What We Do.


Physical events involve leaving the comfort of your home to participate in activism! Redefine Z uses peaceful physical activism to connect to communities, spread awareness, and advocate for a more equal and inclusive future.


Artivism is the usage of art - visual art, music, poetry, dance, film, etc. - as a medium for activism. At Redefine Z, we believe in the the power of art to unite us in social justice issues globally. You can also view our virtual art gallery below!

Virtual Art Gallery


Redefine Z reaches out to communities of young learners by teaching them the power of activism and educating them on the current issues that impact society. Our mission is to inspire a future generation that not only recognizes the problems in our world but also strives to solve them.


As pollution and climate change remains a critical global concern, Redefine Z constantly works to host beach cleanups, tree planting events, and other environmental initiatives. While protecting the environment, we encourage individuals to achieve change together!


Giving back to one's community is just as important as advocating for its betterment. At Redefine Z, we organize and conduct charity drives to collect donations for causes like period poverty. These contributions are then delivered to those who need them the most, which is why every little bit counts!


"Digital advocacy" refers to the use of social media or internet platforms to promote a cause. This includes webinars, workshops, summits, video series, and even just posting. Check out the "Articles" page on our website to access our catalog of student-written articles. We also host virtual events, such as summits and workshops!

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Media Team.

We have current openings for our social media team. We need research officers, writers, and graphic designers. Click below to join!


Frequently Asked Questions

  • How is Redefine Z different?

    Redefine Z is designed to elevate the voices of students as we redefine the world we live in. As young people, we have the most to gain by tackling social justice issues that will affect us for the next 60-80 years. We believe in empowering students through the dissemination of accurate information using art and social media platforms. 

    At Redefine Z, we believe activism starts with passion, and our passion is action. We believe we have the ability to speak to emotion and find common ground despite language and cultural barriers. We want to unite students worldwide on issues that define our future. 

  • How Do I Get Involved?

    Join Our Media Team!

    Interested in designing or researching for our social media team? We encourage you to apply for our media team at today! 

    Start A Chapter!

    Do you want to start a Redefine Z chapter in your city, state, or possibly even country? Make sure to click the "Start A Chapter" button located above our map or visit our chapter's application at today!

  • What Is Artivism?

    Art is a universal language. Art has a way of communicating with us without using words. Gazing into large oil paintings or unblinkingly up at ten-foot tall statues, these works of art seem to catch our eye, hold our attention, and silently whisper our own thoughts and feelings. The words that artwork seems to say to our inner hearts are not bound by the constraints of spoken language. 

    Art is all around us; we are so engulfed in it that we have lost sight of it.

    Daily architecture, magazine and newspaper images, filers, billboards, vehicles, and trucks have all been created to appeal to our senses and elicit feelings and thoughts. 

    Art has an unconsciously personal impact on us. People of all ages are enthralled by the same hundred-year-old painting that enthralled people a century ago.

    At Redefine Z, we believe in the the power of art to unite us in social justice issues globally. We hope to use our site to platform young artists as we work toward social change.

  • What Do We Advocate For?

    Equity, inclusion, and intersectionality.

  • Can I Sponsor Or Partner With Redefine Z?

    Redefine Z is always open to efforts that support our mission. Sponsorships and partnerships will always be considered!

    Contact us at either or any of our socials for inquiries.


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